Artister 2024
The Buoys of Ballisodare
The Buoys are all based in Sligo and first got together over 10 years ago to take part in the
Wild Atlantic Shanty Festival at Rosses Point. They sing a variety of shanties and sea songs
a cappella and even sometimes in harmony! They love the ‘craic’ and meeting old and new
friends. They have taken part in various events in Sligo, Dublin and Belfast promoting the
sea shanty genre and the work of the RNLI. They have featured on National Irish TV and
This is the Buoys first visit to an overseas event and they are delighted that it is to our sister festival - the Baltic Shanty Festival
Wild Atlantic Shanty Festival at Rosses Point. They sing a variety of shanties and sea songs
a cappella and even sometimes in harmony! They love the ‘craic’ and meeting old and new
friends. They have taken part in various events in Sligo, Dublin and Belfast promoting the
sea shanty genre and the work of the RNLI. They have featured on National Irish TV and
This is the Buoys first visit to an overseas event and they are delighted that it is to our sister festival - the Baltic Shanty Festival
Figurehead (UK)
Figurehead were the first all female shanty crew in Cornwall and share a love of songs with a traditional, nautical and maritime flavour. In fact if it contains a reference, however slight, to water, we consider it fair game!
The group originally formed as a bit of fun around a kitchen table for 5 women who shared a love of sea songs and harmonies. Over the years the personnel have changed but the love of singing in harmony together and entertaining people with foot stomping songs and shanties remains constant.
Currently the members are Cath, Rachel, Sharon and Gill. As well as singing at local events, they can be seen performing at a wide variety of festivals around the South West. In 2023 they also enjoyed performing on Radio5 Live Sunday breakfast and appearing on CBeebies!
We are very excited about our first visit to Finland!
The group originally formed as a bit of fun around a kitchen table for 5 women who shared a love of sea songs and harmonies. Over the years the personnel have changed but the love of singing in harmony together and entertaining people with foot stomping songs and shanties remains constant.
Currently the members are Cath, Rachel, Sharon and Gill. As well as singing at local events, they can be seen performing at a wide variety of festivals around the South West. In 2023 they also enjoyed performing on Radio5 Live Sunday breakfast and appearing on CBeebies!
We are very excited about our first visit to Finland!
Monkeys Fist (UK)
Monkey’s Fist, based in Yorkshire, UK, and named after the knot used to heave the first line ashore, is the trio of Steve Flude, Colin Devey and John Horsey. They sing powerful arrangements of sea shanties, forebitters and ballads with close harmonies and guitar, concertina, bodhran and harmonica accompaniment. They have performed at clubs and festivals across the UK, together with festivals in Ireland, Germany and Holland.
Steve Turner (UK)
Steve Turner (UK)
Steve Turner can boast a long list of accolades from the folk world including “majestic, brilliant, sheer genius and foremost concertina player of his generation”. We are delighted that Steve has a maritime set amongst his repertoire which he will be entertaining us with over the shanty festival. Don’t miss him!
AlbaTross (S)
AlbaTross - är ett härligt gäng sjöbusar från Uppsala, Sverige, som gillar att sjunga shanties, dvs arbetssånger som sjöngs på de gamla segelfartygen för att hålla tempot.
Vi blandar friskt med sjömansvisor och Evert Taube m fl och bjuder publicum att sjunga med. Leader of the pack- Gina van Dam. Häng med på en allsångstur! Nu kastar vi loss!
Välkomna ombord!
AlbaTross - is a jolly bunch of sea buskers from Uppsala, Sweden, who like to sing shanties, i.e. work songs that were sung on the old sailing ships to keep up the pace. We mix with sailor songs and Evert Taube and others and invite the audience to sing along.
Leader of the pack - Gina van Dam. Join us on a sing-along tour!
Cut the painter! Welcome aboard!
Vi blandar friskt med sjömansvisor och Evert Taube m fl och bjuder publicum att sjunga med. Leader of the pack- Gina van Dam. Häng med på en allsångstur! Nu kastar vi loss!
Välkomna ombord!
AlbaTross - is a jolly bunch of sea buskers from Uppsala, Sweden, who like to sing shanties, i.e. work songs that were sung on the old sailing ships to keep up the pace. We mix with sailor songs and Evert Taube and others and invite the audience to sing along.
Leader of the pack - Gina van Dam. Join us on a sing-along tour!
Cut the painter! Welcome aboard!
O'Really (ÅL)
Gruppen O´Really bildades i mars 2017 och spelar färgstark och fartfylld folkmusik inspirerad av irländsk, brittisk och amerikansk musiktradition med ett stänk av det åländska. Gruppens musikaliska mål är att finna och arrangera musik i första hand från platser där närheten till havet präglat människan och den musikaliska kulturen. Med sång, gitarr, mandolin, banjo, kontrabas, fiol, flöjter, dragspel och slagverk framför bandet sin musik både i estradform och i fartfylld mingelform.
Shanty Sisters (ÅL)
“Shanty Sisters sjunger och spelar visor med en glimt i ögat, gärna med kvinnnoperspektiv. Repertoaren är ofta havsrelaterad med mustiga beskrivningar av felslagna frierier, byskvaller och hiskliga resor till sjöss.”
Shanty Sisters sing and play songs and ballads with tongue-in-cheek humour, preferably from a female point of view. The repertoire is often maritime with juicy descriptions of courtship gone wrong, village gossip and breathtaking adventures at sea.
Shanty Sisters sing and play songs and ballads with tongue-in-cheek humour, preferably from a female point of view. The repertoire is often maritime with juicy descriptions of courtship gone wrong, village gossip and breathtaking adventures at sea.
Lösa Boliner (ÅL)
Lösa Boliner är en åländsk sånggrupp som sjunger sjömanssånger d.v.s. shanties och andra
sånger som förknippas med segelsjöfartens era. Gruppen består av 13 personer, såväl
kvinnor som män och den karaktäriseras av sitt goda humör och sin sångglädje. Lösa Boliner har sjungit i Sverige, Norge och på Irland förutom på Åland, förstås.
Lösa Boliner (Loose Bowlines) is a group from Aland Islands performing sailor songs i.e.
shanties and sea songs, especially Scandinavian ones. The group has 13 members both
women and men and it is characterized by good mood and joy of singing. Lösa Boliner has
performed in Sweden, Norway and Ireland and of course at home in the Aland Islands.
sånger som förknippas med segelsjöfartens era. Gruppen består av 13 personer, såväl
kvinnor som män och den karaktäriseras av sitt goda humör och sin sångglädje. Lösa Boliner har sjungit i Sverige, Norge och på Irland förutom på Åland, förstås.
Lösa Boliner (Loose Bowlines) is a group from Aland Islands performing sailor songs i.e.
shanties and sea songs, especially Scandinavian ones. The group has 13 members both
women and men and it is characterized by good mood and joy of singing. Lösa Boliner has
performed in Sweden, Norway and Ireland and of course at home in the Aland Islands.
Tidens Brus (ÅL)
Tidens Brus har ett särskilt intresse för äldre sjömansvisor som sjungits ombord. De här visorna fungerar som ”tidsmaskiner” och ger en unik inblick i livet på segelfartygen och i de strömningar som rörde sig i dåtidens värld. TB har sjungit och spelat i flera länder bl.a. vid festivaler på Irland, i England, i Holland och på vår åländska Baltic Shanty Festival.
Tidens Brus has a special interest for shanties and sea songs that have been sung onboard the sailing ships. These songs are veritable ”time machines”, they give us a unique glimpse into the life on board and the thoughts of the old times. The group has performed in a couple of countries including festivals in Ireland, United Kingdom, The Netherlands and at our own Baltic Shanty Festival.
Tidens Brus has a special interest for shanties and sea songs that have been sung onboard the sailing ships. These songs are veritable ”time machines”, they give us a unique glimpse into the life on board and the thoughts of the old times. The group has performed in a couple of countries including festivals in Ireland, United Kingdom, The Netherlands and at our own Baltic Shanty Festival.